Interested in specialising as a Suzuki ECE teacher?

Suzuki Teacher Accreditation in Suzuki ECE is achieved through completion of the relevant course of study offered by our State Association, STEAA(WA). Once accredited, all Suzuki Teachers are required to complete a specified amount of professional development each year in order to keep their accreditation current.

Regular opportunities for professional inquiry amongst Suzuki educators are highly valued in the interests of the provision of quality practices in accordance with the Suzuki Philosophy. Ongoing reflective practice of our teaching with other educators, where we collaboratively review and share ideas, keeps our programmes fresh and inspired.

Many teachers worldwide have been inspired by the Suzuki Philosophy and the teacher training programme, and there can be no doubt that it has positively affected the lives of many families in so many ways.

Suzuki ECE Teacher Training is offered by STEAA(WA) at Primary, Intermediate and Advanced levels for Suzuki Instrumental teachers and early childhood, music professionals as well as Suzuki parents interested in specialising in this area. 

Contact for more information.

STEAA(WA) Teacher Accreditation Courses in Suzuki ECE (Music for the Early Years)

Suzuki ECE PD Days are regularly offered each year to practising Suzuki ECE Teachers providing the opportunity to share, reflect and keep our programs fresh and interesting. Sessions, which often include guest speakers in the field of early childhood development, learning and music education in the broader community are open to accredited Suzuki Instrumental Teachers. 

Contact for more information.

Ongoing Professional Learning in Suzuki ECE