Baby/Toddler Music

A team of two teachers leads the group classes which are held once weekly. A well-paced series of traditional songs and rhymes is used as stimulus for movement, singing and percussion playing. These are found on the accompanying SECE(WA) CD “Lullabies, Action Songs and Rhymes”, sung by Taryn Fiebig which is included upon registration for daily listening in the home environment.

In class, parents are encouraged to participate fully and to observe their own child and others. In this way, much can be learned about the unique and unlimited learning potential of all children. The teaching approach is inclusive, caring and supportive of each and every child as they learn and develop together with parents.

Taking turns at playing the instruments fosters patience and a sense of sharing. Building anticipation in this way increases openness to learning, fosters good listening skills and an awareness of beautiful sounds.

The quick pacing, variety and repetition of activities experienced with peers and adults facilitates development of positive dispositions for learning such as confidence, persistence, a strong sense of social and emotional well-being, enthusiasm, creativity, co-operation, commitment and imagination.

Children become increasingly attentive and highly motivated as the classes progress and are likely to do better eventually at school because of their ability to self-regulate, listen well and follow instructions.

Read the results of a recent Canadian study (McMaster Institute of Music and the Mind) with babies and the effect of early musical experiences on their development